NOFA for FY 2018
The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition has been posted to the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition: Funding Availability page on the HUD Exchange.
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 8:00 PM EDT
The FY 2018 Continuum of Care (CoC) Consolidated Application (CoC Application and CoC Priority Listing) and project applications are now available in e-snaps. Collaborative Applicants and project applicants can now access the applications to review, update, and enter information that is required for the application process through the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA.
HUD will post the FY 2018 Estimated Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) Report to the HUD Exchange on or after Thursday, June 28, 2018 that will include the amounts a CoC may apply for: CoC planning, Bonus, and Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus. This report will also provide the Preliminary Pro Rata Need (PPRN) and the estimated ARD for each CoC.
What’s New for the FY 2018 CoC Program CompetitionThe list below highlights some important information regarding new concepts CoCs should consider while planning for the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition.
This list is not exhaustive and additional details are in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA.
A full list of new, changed, and highlighted information is on the HUD Exchange and can also be found on the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition: Funding Availability page.
- Transition Grants. Project applicants can transition their project(s) from one CoC Program Component to another during the CoC Program Competition using the funds to wind down the previous project while ramping up the new project. (Section II.B.2).
- Domestic Violence Bonus. CoCs can apply for up to 10 percent of their PPRN or a minimum of $50,000, whichever is greater, or a maximum of $5 million, whichever is less, to create up to three DV Bonus Projects to serve survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. (Section II.B.3). CoCs may create up to one of each of the following project types:
- Permanent Housing-Rapid Rehousing (PH-RRH;
- Joint Transitional Housing (TH) and Permanent Housing-Rapid Rehousing (PH-RRH) component project; and
- Supportive Services Only-Coordinated Entry (SSO-CE).
- Consolidated Project. Eligible renewal project applicants will have the ability to consolidate two or more (limit of four) eligible renewal projects into one project application during the application process. (Section II.B.4).
- CoC Merger. CoCs that merged between the FY 2016 CoC Program Registration and FY 2018 CoC Program Registration process are eligible for merger bonus points. (Section II.B.5).
- Returning project applicants can choose to import the FY 2017 renewal project application responses; however, this must be requested during your registration of the Renewal Funding Opportunity in e-snaps and is only available if you submitted a renewal project application in the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition (last year). If you import last year’s responses, be sure to carefully review them to ensure they are still accurate and representative of the project.
- If this is your organization’s first time renewing your project, you will not be able to import information from FY 2017 and must, therefore, complete the entire renewal project application.
- All new project applications must complete the entire new project application.
- CoC Application and CoC Priority Listing are separate submissions in e-snaps. Collaborative Applicants must submit both parts of the CoC Consolidated Application by the application deadline for HUD to consider the CoC Consolidated Application to be complete.
- HUD released a new report in the HUD Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) for each CoC called the “CoC Competition Report.” This report includes the majority of the data reported in HDX needed to complete the FY 2018 CoC Application, including Housing Inventory Count (HIC), Point-in-Time (PIT) count, and System Performance Measures data, in a single report for CoCs to conveniently attach. The instructions on how to access the CoC Competition Reportare also posted to the HUD Exchange.
Project Applications
UFA Costs
CoC Planning
CoC Application
CoC Priority Listing
We anticipate that all detailed instructions and instructional guides will be posted by July 10, 2018.
Listserv CommunicationsAll information related to the
FY 2018 CoC Program Competition is communicated via the HUD Exchange Mailing List.
Join the mailing list to receive important updates and reminders.
Butte County CoC Local Information
Press Release Regarding the FY18 CoC NOFA
Updated FY 2018 HUD CoC Program Competition Timeline
PDF from the July 13th Public Information Meeting
General Information on the NOFA
CoC Program Application - Addendum 1
CoC Program Application - Addendum 2
CoC Program Application - Addendum 3
Results of the Ranking of Applications for FY2018
Updated FY 2018 HUD CoC Program Competition Timeline
PDF from the July 13th Public Information Meeting
General Information on the NOFA
CoC Program Application - Addendum 1
CoC Program Application - Addendum 2
CoC Program Application - Addendum 3
Results of the Ranking of Applications for FY2018
Final Process & Documents for FY 2018 CoC Program NOFA
Final Applications submitted via ESnaps for FY 2018 HUD Program Competition
CA-519 Consolidated Application
Before Starting the Project Listing for the CoC Priority Listing
CoC Planning Grant - Planning Project Application
Search South SPC PH - Renewal Project
Caminar - NOFA Application
Catalyst - Renewal Project and Catalyst - New Project Application
SEARCH Samaritan - Renewal Project
SEARCH II Supportive Housing Program - Renewal Project
SEARCH III Supportive Housing Program - Renewal Project
LINK Permanent Housing Bonus - Renewal Project
SEARCH II Permanent Housing - Renewal Project
Friends House - Renewal Grant
James Place - Renewal Grant
Community Action Agency of Butte County - New Project Application
Community Action Agency of Butte County - Renewal Project
Before Starting the Project Listing for the CoC Priority Listing
CoC Planning Grant - Planning Project Application
Search South SPC PH - Renewal Project
Caminar - NOFA Application
Catalyst - Renewal Project and Catalyst - New Project Application
SEARCH Samaritan - Renewal Project
SEARCH II Supportive Housing Program - Renewal Project
SEARCH III Supportive Housing Program - Renewal Project
LINK Permanent Housing Bonus - Renewal Project
SEARCH II Permanent Housing - Renewal Project
Friends House - Renewal Grant
James Place - Renewal Grant
Community Action Agency of Butte County - New Project Application
Community Action Agency of Butte County - Renewal Project
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